Learn2Swim Sg Classes

Baby & Toddler – This is the ideal age to get your kid started on water safety! Our coaches are equipped with Infant and Preschool Aquatics qualifications to ensure proper aquatic education in a safe yet fun environment. At this stage, it involves early childhood development, water familiarisation and basic aquatic skills development.

Kids – Teaching your kid to swim and encouraging your kid to swim regularly have significant benefits for both their health and safety. At Learn2swim, we offer a fun environment for them to thrive in. SwimSafer™ and STA International Learn to Swim syllabus are available. 

Adults – First time swimmers: Whether you are aquaphobic or learning to swim for the very first time, our private adult classes are ideal. Our aim is to help you ease in the water and to feel comfortable before going through the basics of flotation and movement. Stroke improvement: Strength and endurance are important parts of swim fitness, but they are nothing without good techniques. We provide tailored swimming programmes to get your fitness and strokes up to standard. An efficient swimming stroke really does enable you to get more enjoyment out of swimming!

Group – Group classes (4 or more) are available at ActiveSG Swimming Complexes or in a pool of your choice. Contact us with your preferred location.

Our Team

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Coach Nick

With years of swimming experience, Nick is passionate about teaching adults and kids good techniques and keeping everyone water safe, fit & healthy. He has a great attention to detail and patiently corrects each students strokes, helping beginners ease in rapidly.

Coach Calvin

Coach Calvin

Calvin have been swimming semi-competitively since young and have started coaching in 2017. As a part-time tutor too, he is very patient and experienced in handling kids. Calvin strongly believes in catering to every student’s needs and specialises in private classes.

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Coach Bob

Bob has been teaching swimming for almost 4 years and is experienced with kids of all ages as well as adults. He is easy going and patient with children, yet firm when needed.


We Want You!

Want to join a passionate team? Reach out to us!


Our coaches have many years of experience and are fully accredited with: 
National Registry of Coaches (NROC) 
Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA)